Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Vibration training...fab or fad???

Vibration training...it seems to have been around forever now. It certainly would be a fairly rare sight to enter a gym or health club and there not to be at least one vibration plate. Usually in the bigger clubs there will be a vibration training area or even a room dedicated to it. Yet there is still a huge question mark, and a big debate amongst exercisers and trainers alike as to whether they actually work or whether they are just another piece of gimmick equipment, only used by people chasing yet another easy option.

As a fitness professional and a personal trainer I personally feel it is very important to be open minded about all new equipment and products that become available. Although the way I like to train my clients is by using fairly simple old fashioned, tried and tested methods that get results, I am always more than happy to try new ways of training. If something is going to help my clients get the results they want then I am all ears and will gladly use it. It’s such a dynamic and changing industry and I like to learn about as many new products as I possibly can.

My personal opinion on vibration training is that it is fantastic. I really like using power plates myself as well as using them with clients, and I have helped people to achieve some amazing results whilst using them. When being used properly or even better, getting taught by a qualified vibration plate instructor, I can promise that anyone, no matter how fit or strong, will come away feeling like they have had a challenging workout.

As I said this is just my personal opinion and for me that is something that I love about working in fitness, there are so many people with so many different opinions on things. It’s one of the things that I find so interesting about the industry. I love talking to other fitness professionals and listening to their views on things. There are lots of trainers I speak to who do not share my views and don't think much of vibration training. Unfortunately a few of these people will openly slag it off and tell me why it doesn't work....when they have never stepped on a vibration plate in their life!!!  If they have taken the time to use a vibration plate and to learn the science behind them and they still don't like it then I have no argument with that at all. As I said we all have different opinions. But to make uneducated suggestions about things when you know nothing about them is in my view quite unprofessional and just doesn't sit well with me....right...rant over!! Ha ha...

The way vibration training works is very dynamic. Exercises can be either held in a static hold positions, used with movement or used with lots of different props and equipment.

The way a ‘power plate’ works for example is it moves in 3 different planes...up and down/side to side/ and backwards and forwards...and the vibrations can be changed on frequency and intensity. This movement stimulates the working muscles to contract very quickly and lots of times...30-50 times a SECOND in fact...so for example if you was to hold a static squat on a vibration plate for 30 seconds, it makes your leg muscles contract 900 times!!! So that's the equivalent of doing 900 body weight squats!

Vibration training works as a great time saving way of exercising. I must admit even I was shocked at how you can get a great all over body workout in about 25 minutes!

Vibration plates are also very good at helping with flexibly and massage for a relaxation which is a great way to end a workout, even if your training has not been done on the plates.
As I said I do really believe in vibration training and I do feel vibration plates are a worthy piece of gym equipment that is here to stay. But I also believe that variation is the key to getting results from training. So if you just do vibration training and nothing else, I believe your results will be limited.
But if you include it as part of a varied workout which also includes cardio and other forms or resistance work such as using weights and bodyweight training I feel the results you can get will be fantastic.
For more information on vibration training or any other training or nutrition subjects, please feel free to contact me with any questions on my email glennbowershealthandfitness@hotmail.co.uk

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